

Procuring Agri Commodities – Not So Difficult Anymore!

With the increasing population, the food supply chains are also becoming complex and challenging in reducing food wastage and delivering …

Real-time commodity prices have made trading easier!

Usually, the local farmers and traders’ knowledge about the commodity prices is restricted to the nearby mandis. The information they …

Future of e-Mandis

The agricultural sector is vital for the Indian economy and it is evident that reforming agricultural markets and setting up …

Top 5 Trends in The Indian AgriTech Space

The future of agriculture is a very important question for the planners and all other stakeholders. The government and other …

Agri-financing – A financial revolution

Agri financing plays an essential role in farm sector development, as India being an agrarian economy is a major contributor …


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Busting Agricultural Trading Myths in 2021

The concept of agricultural trade goes back to the time when the Romans grew crops explicitly for trade. Since ancient …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

Multilayer Farming: Objectives and Benefits

India is a secular nation and how we find unity in our diversity is one of the main reasons for …

Commodity Outlook – Tur (Red Gram / Cajanus Cajan)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur:  Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

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