

agribazaar Strengthens Input-Output Market Linkages for Indian farmers!

The Indian agriculture market size reached a value of nearly ₹ 36,060.65 Bn in 2022. It is expected to reach …

Conservation agriculture for a healthy climate & healthier soil!

Is there an approach that could get us healthy soil that will lead to healthy plants, animals, humans, water, and …

Real-time kinematics for timeless farming!

Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) technology is a satellite positioning system that provides highly accurate positioning data for various applications, including agriculture. …

डिजिटल इंटेलिजेंस के इस्तेमाल से बढ़ेगा कृषि उत्पादन और आय

बदलते दौर के साथ परंपरागत कृषि तकनीकों और खेती को भी और स्मार्ट बनाना बहुत जरुरी है। हालांकि सरकारी स्तर …

Watch out for the 10 craziest agritech trends in 2023!

The global agricultural industry is ever-growing, with new seeds of innovation. From increased global food consumption to the climate crisis, …

AgriKnow: Crop & Farm Management

To worry about the condition and state of their crops is very obvious for farmers. But what if they could …

First Private Online Mandi in Madhya Pradesh by agribazaar

Shortcomings of conventional mandis have been revealed in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic. That’s why a need for an …

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