First Private Online Mandi in Madhya Pradesh by agribazaar

Shortcomings of conventional mandis have been revealed in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic. That’s why a need for an equitable pan-India infrastructure has become obvious. e-Mandis (online marketplaces) can be a gateway to new trading opportunities for farmers.

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With the same objective, agribazaar has launched Madhya Pradesh’s first-ever private e-Mandi (online marketplace) under The Mandi Act, 1972, in Sept 2021. The ultimate goal of establishing e-Mandis is to provide better benefits to the local farming community in small farmers’ best interests. Below are some of the features of MP’s private online mandi or e-Mandi:

  • Requires single license state-wide
  • Buying directly from farmers
  • End-to-end stock management
  • Instant & secure digital payment solutions
  • Transparent & trusted trading

However, the e-Mandi model introduced by agribazaar in Madhya Pradesh comprises third-party services, including assaying, storage & procurement, financing, logistics, and agent handling. The transaction process on the platform involves Farm Gate Trades, Warehouses/PPCs as delivery centers, and Procurement at APMC Yards.
The MP e-Mandi offers certain step-wise services based on locations & commodities, a few prerequisites for an e-Trading license, an end-to-end procurement procedure – starting from registration to delivery & settlement, completed by important value-added services.

First private online mandi in MP

There are definitely significant benefits of implementing e-Mandis throughout India; some are mentioned below.

  • Provide a simple warehouse-based trading module, where a farmer can upload the details of their produce to an online platform, which can be accessed by interested buyers across the country
  • Enable real-time market prices for farmers and provide secure online payments, empowering them to directly connect with distantly located buyers
  • Make post-harvest management practices more transparent, like the agricultural sales process, and reduce farmers’ efforts
  • Give farmers access to trade beyond Mandis or states that will increase consumer access and also help in getting better prices for their agri-products
  • Ensure seamlessness of trading and payment operations to pull farmers out from cash crunches or payment delays
First online private mandi to help farmers to get better prices for their crops


By bringing much-needed transparency to the sector, digital mandis provide the exciting prospect of quickening the farm-to-fork journey while promoting fair trade and price discovery based mainly upon real-time supply and demand and produce quality. agribazaar aims to expand the e-Mandi territory across India to benefit & strengthen our nations’ farming communities, especially the farmers!

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