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e-Mandi: Taking Mandis in India Online

Currently, farmers auction their agriculture produce at physical markets also known as market yards or mandis in India which are …

Mustard seed: Rabi harvesting season

India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and the oilseed sector occupies an important position …

What To Expect From The New e-Mandi (online mandi) System

When the British left India in 1947, what we inherited from them was an agrarian economy where agriculture and allied …

Bengal gram: Rabi harvesting season

Bengal gram is called Chickpea or Gram is a major pulse crop in India and is also the top producer, …

ई-मंडीः भारत की स्थानीय कृषि मंडी को ऑनलाइन लाना

वर्तमान में, किसान अपनी कृषि उपज को वास्तविक बाजार में नीलाम करते हैं जिन्हें मार्केट यार्ड या मंडियों के रूप …

भारतीय कृषि बाजार और ई-मंडियों से क्या अपेक्षा करें

जब 1947 में अंग्रेजों ने भारत छोड़ दिया तो हमें उनसे जो विरासत में मिला वह कृषि प्रधान अर्थव्यवस्था थी, …

Rabi Season in India: 2021

The objective of this note is not only to provide information on the ongoing Rabi season but also to comprehend …

ई-मंडी का उदयः समेकित कृषि बाजार

केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कृषि बाजार की स्थापना को हरी झण्डी दिखाकर भारत में कृषि मार्केट सुधारों के इतिहास में …

The Rise of e-Mandi: A Unified Agricultural Market

The Union Cabinet’s nod to the setting up of the electronic agriculture market (e-mandi) made it an important day in …

PCI DSS – What & Why?

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all …

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