AgriTech Stories

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First Private Online Mandi in Madhya Pradesh by agribazaar

Shortcomings of conventional mandis have been revealed in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic. That’s why a need for an …

Current Initiatives and Future of Digital Agriculture in India

Over the years, the government has taken significant steps to strengthen the agriculture sector with proven farming technologies and supportive …

Role & Benefits of Crop Health Monitoring

How farmers have been managing crop health in present times is worth considering as the demand for food is increasingly …

Rabi Season in India: 2021-2022

The objective of this note is not only to provide information on the onset of the current Rabi season but …

Precision Agriculture & What it offers

Scientifically speaking, Precision Agriculture is an advanced and optimized field-level management strategy that aims to enhance productivity, reduce manual labor …

agriPay by agribazaar

“Cash payment is a thing of the past when digital payments are making the waves now.”  With multiple technological innovations …

Agribazaar x SOPA: International Soy Conclave 2021

SOPA (The Soybean Processors Association of India) is the only national-level body representing the soybean processors, farmers, exporters, and brokers …

एग्रीबाज़ार का संपूर्ण अपग्रेड

जैसा कि हमने कृषि क्षेत्र में अपने अस्तित्व के 5वें वर्ष में प्रवेश किया, हम एग्रीबाज़ार में अपने उपयोगकर्ताओं को …

App-solute Upgrade of Agribazaar!

As we entered the 5th year of our existence in the agritech sector, we at Agribazaar wanted to provide our …

Oilseeds boomed this season: 2020-21

This year, everything is rolling in favor of oilseeds that could lure growers to plant crops such as soybean, groundnut, …

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