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डिजिटल इंटेलिजेंस के इस्तेमाल से बढ़ेगा कृषि उत्पादन और आय

बदलते दौर के साथ परंपरागत कृषि तकनीकों और खेती को भी और स्मार्ट बनाना बहुत जरुरी है। हालांकि सरकारी स्तर …

Genetically engineered minichromosomes making their way into agriculture!

As the world’s population has reached 8 Billion & is continuously growing, there is an increasing need to find innovative …

Watch out for the 10 craziest agritech trends in 2023!

The global agricultural industry is ever-growing, with new seeds of innovation. From increased global food consumption to the climate crisis, …

Golden Chance For India To Become A World Feeder!

As of 2021-22, the agricultural sector employs 152 Million Indians with a 4.1 % YoY growth, one of India’s largest …

Innovating the Indian Farming Industry with Farm Automation

Agriculture has moved us ahead so far in thousands of years, but now, we are at a turning point. And …

Empowering women farmers: Let the “unconventional” become the new normal!

India’s livestock sector is the world’s largest livestock production system and over 70% of livestock work is done by women. …

किसान सफलता कार्ड (मराठी)

भारतातील कृषी वित्त ही कृषी व्यवसायाची गरज आहे. कृषी वित्त हे केवळ शेती उत्पादन आणि पिकांच्या व्यापारासाठीच नव्हे तर कृषी …

किसान सफलता कार्ड

भारत में कृषि वित्त कृषि व्यापार की एक आवश्यकता है। कृषि वित्त न केवल खेती, उत्पादन और फसलों के व्यापार …

Indian Agri Finance System: Challenges & Opportunities

The importance of agri finance, especially in rural India, cannot be ignored. The structure of the agri finance system in …

Top Indian agritech trends 2023

The Indian agriculture sector is being immensely pressurized by issues of the increasing population, unfavorable climate occurrences, and land limitations. …

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