AgriKnow: Crop & Farm Management

To worry about the condition and state of their crops is very obvious for farmers. But what if they could keep track of their crop’s health at all times from anywhere?

AgriKnow by agribazaar is satellite-based crop health monitoring software that provides exhaustive inputs on commodity crops and crop management techniques. Based on satellite images, AgriKnow’s crop monitoring helps farmers manage multiple fields, cut costs on resources and make reliable decisions.

crop and farm management : crop tracker

With the power of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, the platform also disseminates actionable insights on crop quality, pest infestations, and plant diseases. It provides specific information on required soil type & climate, NPK & pH levels with the necessary knowledge regarding farm management and crop health. 

Critical features of AgriKnow would be the following:

  • Field monitoring
  • Weather data
  • Notification manager
  • Farm management
  • Crop health alerts
managing the crops and farm with the help of drone

How could a crop health monitoring system be beneficial? The reasons are mentioned below.

  • Vegetation Index change alerts help the farmers (users) focus on the problem areas and react promptly to save time and resources, thus keeping their crops healthy throughout the season.
  • Helps in enhanced preparedness and thereby increased adaptive capacity 
  • Sowing/ transplanting of Kharif crops based on onset of monsoon.
  • Historical data on the field’s productivity allows for accurate predictions of future yields.
  • AgriKnow notifies about irrigation timing at a critical stage of the crop.
  • Advanced monitoring of soil moisture lets farmers (users) analyze crops’ state without an expensive facility, thus generating better-informed farming solutions at a lower cost.
  • Advisories for a timely harvest of crops with location-specific weather advisories
  • Suggest measures to minimize the loss by optimizing input in irrigation, fertilizer, or pesticides
  • Early warning alerts the implications of various weather events like extreme temperatures, heavy rains, floods, and strong winds.
  • Productivity zones identification, which enables more precise and less expensive differential fertilizing, sowing, and drip irrigation, among other activities
field monitoring


AgriKnow’s crop and farm management system offers advisors an opportunity to increase profitability within the fast-growing agriculture market environment. We have developed a modern agro-platform that integrates satellite imagery, weather data, and vegetation index tracking to perform automated field monitoring, allowing clients to make reliable crop management decisions on time. Monitoring the crops’ health from the comfort of being anywhere and helping the farmer reduce costs of on-field treatment activities while increasing the profit are some of the foremost reasons why farmers need such crop advisory services.

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