Agribazaar x SOPA: International Soy Conclave 2021

SOPA (The Soybean Processors Association of India) is the only national-level body representing the soybean processors, farmers, exporters, and brokers in India working to strengthen soybeans as a viable country crop.
The association organized an International Soy Conclave on 9th & 10th October 2021 at Brilliant Convention Center, Indore, of which agribazaar was thrilled to be a part. The Conclave had prominent speakers & policymakers to share bundles of knowledge, interactive sessions on industry outlook, expert views, latest technology, networking, etc.

agribazaar displaying its products and services at SOPA

International Soy Conclave 2021 allowed all the stakeholders to meet, exchange notes, and share knowledge during the event days. We got an opportunity to exhibit our products & services and received an overwhelming response from the audience. Our team elaborated on the three pillars on which our foundation is based: e-Trading, e-Mandi, and e-Procurement.

agribazaar members at International soy conclave

The event was significantly informative and contributed to knowledge sharing and discussions with all who were present. The exhibition gave a real opportunity to expand business, networking, and interactions.

agribazaar is grateful to have this opportunity to display agribazaar and its values, mission, products and services.


The event was a great success, and the discussions involving food value and market outlooks of soya were very enlightening. Since the market is primarily driven by the increasing number of consumers seeking non-dairy beverage alternatives, which has led to substantial growth in the soy-based beverages market, India has a lot of scope for soya and soy-based products.

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