Weekly Guar Seed Report

Current Market Developments:

  • Guar seed and Guar gum prices have remained strong in the physical markets and the futures as well. The buying activities improved with increasing arrivals of guar seed in the physical markets. Local traders and processors buying demand is witnessed in most of the spot markets.

  • As shown in the adjacent weekly Guar seed prices chart Guar seed prices have increase steadily in spot markets of Jodhpur and Bikaner in Rajasthan, and in Kadi and Halvad spot markets in Gujarat.
  • The daily supplies in spot markets have remained around 50-60 lakh bags and till February the daily arrivals are likely to remain same.
  • Currently, 70 percent of the supplies are from Bikaner, Barmer, Merta, Jaisalmer belt and 30 percent from Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and Haryana.  
  • Trade sources from Rajasthan and Gujarat are estimating current crop size of around 75-85 lakh bags against last year 55-60 lakh bags. Around 18-20 lakh bags have arrived uptill now in markets. Steady supplies seen in spot markets of Rajasthan & Gujarat.
  • As per data from Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Guargum Treated And Pulverised exports from India during 2022-23 (April-September) increased to 1,27,768 tonnes. Exports during financial year ending 2021-22 have registered overall increase of 36.34 percent at 2,28,115 tonnes as compared to 1,67,308 tonnes corresponding period last year (2020-21).

Guar Seed Price Trend Vs Seasonality at Key Markets

Guar Seed Area, Production and Yield: India & Major States


This report is prepared by “agribazaar”. Information and opinions in this report have been taken from publicly available data and from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the report nor any part of the report shall be replicated without written consent. agribazaar does not make any representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy, completeness and correctness of data or information contained in this report. Use of the data, information or opinions contained in this report is at the sole risk of the recipient of this report, and any such data, information or opinion should be independently verified. agribazaar, its affiliates, their officers, directors, and employees shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any error in the data, information or opinion contained in this report.

“agribazaar” 2022.

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